Flanders State of the Art - Data-Driven Smart Shipping (DDShip)

Flanders State of the Art - Data-Driven Smart Shipping (DDShip)
  • Scientific goals: objectives-criteria

    • Data and sensors (WP1): 3D vision data simulator – camera technologies for ship detection in fog, rain, sunlight + amount of data with impact on the data pipeline (rough data to precise control)
    • Domain knowledge (WP2): ship modelling and model predictive reinforcement learning with performance investigation (complex to simplified models)
    • Control strategies (WP3): impact of environment on control pipeline– end tot end training instead of component based training
  • Download presentation
  • Knipsel
        • Presentation date
        • 11/06/2024
        • Speaker
        • Katrien Eloot - Senior Expert Nautical Research
        • Company
        • Flanders Hydraulics
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